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Fractional numbers

Fractional numbers, or simply fractions, are a way to represent parts of a whole. Fractions consist of two numbers: a numerator and a denominator. The denominator denotes the total number of equal parts into which something is divided while the numerator denotes the equal parts being considered.

List of fractional numbers

Table for the list of fractional numbers
½, one-half, 0.5, 50%
Puoli, puolikas
⅓, one-third, 0.333, 33.333%
Kolmasosa, kolmannes
¼, one-quarter, 0.25, 25%
Neljäsosa, neljännes
⅕, one-fifth, 0.2, 20%
Viidesosa, viidennes
⅙, one-sixth, 0.166, 16.666%
Kuudesosa, kuudennes
⅛, one-eighth, 0.125, 12.5%
Kahdeksasosa, kahdeksannes
⅒, one-tenth, 0.1, 10%
Kymmenesosa, kymmenes
⅔, two-thirds, 0.666, 66.666%
Kaksi kolmasosaa
¾, three-quarters, 0.75, 75%
Kolme neljäsosaa
⅗, three-fifths, 0.6, 60%
Kolme viidesosaa
⅜, three-eighths, 0.375, 37.5%
Kolme kahdeksasosaa
⅝, five-eighths, 0.625, 62.5%
Viisi kahdeksasosaa
⅞, seven-eighths, 0.875, 87.5%
Seitsemän kahdeksasosaa